Player Image
Minnesota Wild

Born: February 6, 1995 (29 years)

Team: Minnesota Wild

Shoots: R

G: 5 A: 4 P: 9 GP: 46


League average
by position (F/D)
Top Skating Speed (mph) 22.92 22.09 85
Speed Bursts Over 20 mph 70 73.2 56
Skating Distance (mi) 70.20 124.27 Below 50th
Top Shot Speed (mph) 92.92 84.52 84
Shots on Goal 47 95.3 Below 50th
Shooting % 10.6% 11.9% Below 50th
Goals 5 11.4 Below 50th
Off. Zone Time (ES) 38.8% 41.3% Below 50th
Skating Speed

Max speed measures the maximum sustained skating speed a player has achieved during the current season. Bursts measure the number of times a skater achieved a sustained speed above a given threshold. Results divided by positions groups (forwards, defensemen).

League average
by position (F/D)
Top Speed (mph) 22.92 22.09 85
22+ mph bursts 2 3.5 58
20-22 mph bursts 68 69.7 56
18-20 mph bursts 216 315.8 Below 50th
02040608010012014016018020022022+ mph bursts220-22 mph bursts6818-20 mph bursts216
Skating Distance

Total distance skated by an individual player during the current season while the game clock is running. Results are split by position groups, game situations, zones, top games and top periods.

League average
by position (F/D)
Total (mi) 70.20 124.27 Below 50th
Average Per 60 (mi) 9.55 9.60 Below 50th
Top Game (mi) 2.38 2.92 Below 50th
Top Period (mi) 1.05 1.15 Below 50th
Shot Speed

The maximum speed achieved on any recorded shot attempt by an individual player during the current season. This can include goals, shots that were saved, shots that missed the net (including posts and crossbars), and shots that were blocked.

League average
by position (F/D)
Top Speed (mph) 92.92 84.52 84
Average Speed (mph) 56.53 52.72 78
100+ mph shots 0 0.01 Below 50th
90-100 mph shots 1 1.24 71
80-90 mph shots 7 12.61 52
70-80 mph shots 16 30.55 Below 50th
0246810121416100+ mph shots090-100 mph shots180-90 mph shots770-80 mph shots16
Shot Location

Location of the puck as of the point of release on any recorded shot on goal taken by an individual player. Shot regions were created based upon shot volume and shot accuracy and can display either shots on goal, goals, or shooting percentage. Shots and goals from beyond center red line are included in the shooter totals but not displayed in the visualization.

League average
by position (F/D)
Shots on Goal 47 95.3 Below 50th
Goals 5 11.4 Below 50th
Shooting % 10.6% 11.9% Below 50th
14631921112211-3-Below AverageAbove Average
Zone Time

The percentage of time, viewable by strength, that the puck spends in each zone while the player is on the ice and the game clock is running.

League average
by position (F/D)
Offensive Zone 39.5% 42.4% Below 50th
Neutral Zone 17.4% 17.8% Below 50th
Defensive Zone 43.1% 39.8% Below 50th
Offensive Zone39.5%Neutral Zone17.4%Defensive Zone43.1%Below AverageLeague AverageAbove Average

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